Shaping Tomorrow with an Edge in Education
Working backwards from industry
shortages, skill gaps and opportunities to
set talent up for success

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The Problem Statements
The global economy is in crisis. The Accountant Shortage threatens Capitalism's future.

Our Solutions
The world is grappling with a shortage of healthcare professionals, including Nurses and Doctors. And America is at the epicenter of this crisis.

Our Solutions
Disrupting business education by integrating real world experience and liberal art skills with traditional business education.

Our Solutions
Empowering Indian tech talent to lead the AI-driven era.
Powered by Futurense Technologies

Our Solutions
Solution Showcase

#1 Working backwards from talent shortages
Solving America’s talent shortagesby leveraging the power of STEM
Used the Tech playbook to create pathways for
Indian / International talent to work in the US.
#2 Making India the global accounting hub
Building talent ecosystems in India.And driving billions in exports
Built the ecosystem for CPA/CMA in India. The talent
pool for Big 4 & MNCs to scale up their India GCCs.

#3 Earn an MD & license to practice in the US
Empowering NEET Aspirants whilesolving America’s healthcare crisis
Created the US Pathway for Indian NEET Aspirants
to become US doctors.
#4 Learn from the masters and industry leaders
Expanding thought leadership, and making
Accounting “sexy”!
From ‘boring’ to bold with immersive videos by the
world’s top Accounting experts.

#5 Introducing the Ed-Work Pedagogy
Reimagining Undergraduate Education in Indiawith Ed-Work
Business students graduate with 3-years of work
experience. And Liberal Arts skills!